What brings you to therapy?


Collectively, we Millennial & Gen Z adults have lived through multiple wars, two economic recessions, terrorism, and a global pandemic. Climate collapse, new wars, and the struggle for the liberation of all oppressed people are ongoing. We are the first generations to grow up with the internet and the first to earn less than our parents. Adulting in these contexts is sometimes just completely overwhelming. Whether you are working through the impacts of current events, dealing with issues of dating and romance, trying to develop your career, navigating an evolving relationship with your parents, or parenting your own inner child, I’m here support you as you become the adult you aspire to be.

Relationship trauma.

Is it difficult for you to trust others once you start to feel close to them? Maybe it’s hard for you to stand up for yourself in relationships. Maybe you find yourself repeatedly unhappy in relationships even though you deeply want to love and be loved. I want you to know that absolutely none of this means that there is anything wrong with you. In fact, these challenges probably didn’t even start with you. Healthy relationships are essential to our wellbeing, but can get disrupted because sometimes we come to them with parts of us that have been wounded by other people. Then, we do our best to stay close while also trying to defend our deepest, darkest, most vulnerable selves, leading to conflict instead of connection. Let’s see if we can find out what parts of you need to heal so that you can be fully open to the relationships you long for and deserve.

Sexualized harm.

Sexualized harm (abuse, exploitation, assault, intimate partner violence or manipulation) is more prevalent than our culture, schools, families, and legal systems are often able to handle, or even imagine. Because of this, survivors of any age can feel isolated and carry the burdens of PTSD. If you are a survivor of sexualized harm, I want you to know that you are not alone, you are not what happened to you, and healing is possible. If it feels like the right time in your life for personal resolution and inner healing, let’s talk.

Your story matters.

Whatever may bring you to therapy, understanding and embracing your story
is key to unlocking radical healing.

Other areas I work with:

  • Honoring and releasing pain that underlies anxiety, depression, anger, or shame

  • Working through what happened for you during the heights of the COVID-19 pandemic, navigating a world that often appears to have forgotten that it even happened

  • Learning how to confidently meet career goals and work stressors

  • Identifying and dismantling internalized social and cultural burdens (e.g. heteronormativity, mononormativity, white privilege, or cissexism)

  • Healing from religious trauma, and rediscover selfhood and/or spirituality

  • Strengthening healthy interdependence and boundaries in relationships

  • Therapists seeking their own support or to enrich their practice delivery

  • Navigating attachment needs in CNM/ENM or polyamorous relationships

  • Improving communication with your partner and important others

  • Processing grief and the loss of loved ones, including our pets

  • Exploring spiritual and existential concerns

  • Strengthening self-esteem and self-assertion

  • Resolving childhood traumas that impact parenting

  • Building meaningful strategies to help you face hardship